Contracting projects including implementing tools for analyzing possible future failures of large-scale energy infrastructure using Monte Carlo simulations, implemented with Python and pandas. Implemented AWS lambdas using Python Chalice and deployed via terraform. Front-ends built in Vue.js.
Contracting projects including Swing-client development for Siemens Mobility, Android development, P2P Cordova development, and both full stack web development including Grails. Ruby on Rails, Python-on-AppEngine, Clojure, and client-side development in Javascript and ClojureScript.
Active in both client and server development of the natural language processing system. Developed version management framework for web services. Developed cross-browser JavaScript client front-end, using REST and JSON for communication. Optimized the natural language tokenizer from a full document parse to a streamed pull-parser.
Ported C-based embedded mobile tracking firmware to Ubuntu Linux, with full GPS tracking and server communication over sockets.
Lead design of software infrastructure design for near-real-time automated data reduction system using ApacheMQ, Hibernate, GWT and interfacing with Python mathematical scripts. Participated in the gathering and refining of requirements with a cross-disciplinary team of software engineers and astronomers. Successfully presented architecture to an external review committee, resulting in the go-ahead for prototype development and design finalization.
Participated in general development and maintenance of the entire SpatialTools platform (a server-based mapping solution) over a full release cycle. Developed key AJAX components, including control widgets, a cross-browser event system, and communication protocols for server/client interaction. Active in a full release cycle for the SpatialRules product (a geospatial intelligence rule engine). Led design and development of highly efficient topological/geometric relation algorithms, reducing runtime of comparisons from O(n2) to O(n log n).